Mother's Day Shout out - Tori Frappier
This week on the blog we will be featuring our moms for Mother's Day!
Here's what Tori Frappier had to say about her mom:
Favorite memory with your mom:
My favorite memory with my Mom was getting to spend the day with her at hairdressing school, as she was my model for the competition i was entered in. I got to give her crazy wild hair and make a super fun routine to watch her walk the runway with
Favorite thing about her:
My favorite thing about her is her super warmhearted bubbly personality. She knows how to make me laugh uncontrollably and comfort me at hard times.
Best lesson she ever taught to you:
The best lesson she ever taught me was to be myself and always look at the positive things in life
Something you would like to tell her:
I would just like to tell her how greatly honored i am to call her my mom and there isn't a day i don't look up to her. You are my greatest role model I love you Mom.