Mother's Day Shout out - Mallory Antone
This week on the blog we will be featuring our moms for Mother's Day!
Here's what Mallory Antone had to say about her mom:
Favorite memory with your mom: When I was newly pregnant with my first child, my mom and I had a girls day in Port Stanley. We spent the whole day browsing the stores and had a yummy lunch. She has always made individual time for us while growing up, I am so lucky.
Favorite thing about her:She always knows when you need a hug. Sometimes even when you don't know you need one <3
Best lesson she ever taught to you: To be kind. My mom raised me to be empathetic and compassionate - because we all experience life differently and that is okay.
Something you would like to tell her: Thank you for teaching me how to love and how to be the greatest mother ever!! I love you mom.